COVID-19 Update

To help keep to infection control guidelines which have been set out by the government, changes have been made at City Osteopaths.  Here is what to expect when you come to the clinic and what will be expected of you.

  • The Osteopath will call or email you the day before your treatment with general screening questions related to the virus. Please expect the call. Treatment cannot be given without confirmation from the screening questions. Failure to answer the screening questions by 10:00am on the day of your appointment will result in cancellation of your appointment.
  • There will be new signage on entering the building at Old Bank street reminding us all to stay 2 metres apart, and only one person in a lift at a time.
  • There will be hand sanitising stations throughout the building (near the lifts and high touch point areas) and in the reception area in the clinic, please feel free to use them.
  • The building staff will be cleaning the frequent touch point areas. Cleaning products and procedures have been changed within the clinic to be coherent with public health England and new infection control procedures.
  • If you start experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 before your appointment please cancel it.  If you experience the symptoms 36 hours after your appointment, please call the clinic and let us know. 
  • You will be required to wear a face covering in the clinic and during your treatment.  If you do not have one, one will be provided for you. 
  • Your temperature will be taken on entering the clinic with an infra red thermometer, if your temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius your appointment will be cancelled. 
  • Please be aware that there will be limited appointments per day and appointments will be spaced out for new infection control procedures and social distancing.  Please note that there are now Saturday  appointments available to accommodate this. It does however mean that there is less flexibility with rearranging appointments on the same day that they are booked. 
  • There will be no magazines or newspapers in the waiting area as they are difficult to sanitise between readers.  Please take any magazines or newspapers with you or throw them away in the bin provided in reception.
  • Cash can be excepted as payment, but please can you bring the exact amount in a clear sandwich/plastic bag. It would however be preferable to receive card payment 
  • only come to the clinic if you have an appointment, please do not bring friends or family with you to appointments.  The only exception being a chaperone, or translator (Which needs to be agreed on beforehand, they will also need to clear screening questions). Please call the clinic or email or use the contact us feature if you would like to book an appointment or for any inquiries.